Photo courtesy Philip Vanlunteren
Since forming in 1998, the Trust has worked with property owners throughout Hastings and Prince Edward Counties including Bancroft, Coe Hill, Tweed, Corbyville, Tyendinaga, Aldophus Reach, and Point Petre to secure the future of several special places.
The Trust works with local residents to monitor, manage, and protect each property’s natural features. In addition to acquiring and protecting special places, HPELT is actively involved in scientific research and public education programs related to its long-term goal of sustainable land management.
Protecting Special Places

Photo courtesy Sharon Rattle
HPELT has worked with a number of partners on special projects while providing advice and guidance to landowners interesting in protecting significant features of their property. This has included:
- Promoted protection of wetlands of the Bay of Quinte from Belleville to Point Anne
- Assisted conservation groups to have the south shore of Prince Edward County designated as an Important Bird Area
- Conducted scientific research into breeding birds of South Prince Edward County
- Promoted protection of 5,000 acres of lakes, mature forest and granite barrens near Mount Moriah in Central Hastings County
- Completed a landowner contact program on the south shore of Prince Edward County
- Celebrated Canada Rivers Day with Friends of the Frink Centre
HPELT gratefully acknowledges the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their financial assistance over the years. The trust would also like to thank the ELJB Foundation and our conservation partners including Nature Conservancy of Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ontario Nature (Federation of Ontario Naturalists), Ducks Unlimited, Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory, Friends of the Frink Conservation Centre, Quinte Conservation, the Prince Edward and Hastings Counties Stewardship Councils, and Friends of the Black River Watershed for making our work possible.